Here we have a cloth clay doll in progress,
I have already decided upon her name...
'Anne Jefferies'
Of course there is some faery lore behind the name...
All will be revealed once Anne is completed :0)

I am really quite excited about her,
Anne's story is quite a wonderful one...

Anne was a non-fictional person,
of whom had a very interesting,
magical experience...
I hope so :0)

Below are my
'les petite dolls'
in progress...
I made them to use in a special theme,
one is for a challenge over at ADO...
'Framed dolls'
Title gives it away a little bit *giggles*
There is a link to ADO in my sidebar if you fancy having a peek :0)

Have a beautiful evening/morning people
Love & light
Anne is looking good! And as always, so much fun to see a work in progress!
Trace this is my new blog, I separated them from my paintings blog.
Hiya Martha, popping over now :0)
I love them all!
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