I am really excited to be a part of this years TDP...
Tis the third annual ADO TDP to be held...
2011 here we come!! Whoop!Whoop!
Its a pleasure to join 'Chic Chicks'
A European team of three very talented artists...

Sarah Wallis
Laurence from FELTOOHLALA
Laurence from FELTOOHLALA
Three of us live in England .
Two team members are French but no longer live in France :
Patricia (England) and Laurence (Hungaria)
Two chic chicks love coth and clay dolls : Tracey Anne and Patricia
Two are real pros of needle felting: Sarah and Laurence.
All teams dolls will take several journeys...
starting and ending with the creator ..
but with a whole new look and story recorded via the dolls journal
by the hands of all artists in that team.
How kool is that! :0)
Jasmoon Butterfly Introducing:
Miss Felicity Haversham

(wip - My first Clay cage doll....OOOooo! )
Felicity enjoys her strolls through the meadows,
of her rural home town - Dittisham, especially Bozomzeal, a hill south of the village.
Dittisham is a quaint village just outside of Dartmouth, Devon, UK
The manor in which Felicity lived sat upon her beloved Bozomzeal.
The gowns Felicity wore were simple yet elegant.
They were a mixture of silk, linen, muslin & lace.
The enchanted flowers of the meadow graced her gown with tantalizing aromas.
Each offering the promise of a dream...
Felicity often danced with the butterflies& at times would stay perfectly still
to permit the butterflies to rest upon her.
The dappled sunlight echoed through their wings as they once again danced...
This particular morning was different,
Felicity had received a letter from a most dear friend,
Miss Sarah Wallis.
The letter was actually an invitation to a ball to celebrate her friends recent engagement.
Well of course Felicity had replied hence,
and the spring in her step echoed her excitement of returning to London.
It had been many years since Felicity visited her town of birth,
and the dreams of childhood followed her still....
'How exciting!' Felicity cried to the dancing butterflies,
'But how I will miss you' She sighed....
The date had arrived, April 1st
& once settled upon the coach for London,Felicity opened up her book,
there lay the rose petals she had picked last summer from her bedroom window...
Never had she dreamed the following year could hold suchwonder and adversaty,
'I wonder.......' Felicity paused,
' What adventures await me?'
I am very excited and look forward to joining & sharing with all the TDP artists :0)
See you there...
Listing of all Teams ADO TDP 2011:
The Kooky-Burras (Australia reg.)
Kailee (Sophia-LaLa) (Team Leader)
Susie McMahon
The Manic Moose (Canada)
Cayleigh Milne-Keeley
Jade Perez
Nancy Perennec (Team Leader)
The Chic Chicks (Europe)
Sarah Wallis
Laurence from FELTOOHLALA
traceyanne mccartney
The Kewpie Dolls (United States)
Rachel Wetzel
Nicole Johnson
Kandra Niagra (Team Leader)
The American Dreamers (United States)
SpiritMama~ Waxéla Sananda (Team Leader)
Cindy Sowers
The Ladies of Liberty (United States)
Donna Cooper
Paula Brinkman (Team Leader)
Tiffany Koornneef (Blog Leader)
The Eager Eagles (United States)
Ayala Art (Team Leader/ Blog Leader)
Jenna Frei
The American Pies (United States)
Lisa Johnson
Helen Fern (Team Leader)
Jesi Ferguson
Mary Palmer
Paula Brinkman
Sandy Nowell
The Bee-Bee-Q’s (United States)
Ayala Art (Blog Leader)
Emily Jane Hamaker-Olsen (Team Leader)
Nicole Johnson
Shauna Henry
Lezlei Ann Young
A big special thank you for Waxéla (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama for writing up ADO TDP, Mwah oxox
Kailee (Sophia-LaLa) (Team Leader)
Susie McMahon
The Manic Moose (Canada)
Cayleigh Milne-Keeley
Jade Perez
Nancy Perennec (Team Leader)
The Chic Chicks (Europe)
Sarah Wallis
Laurence from FELTOOHLALA
traceyanne mccartney
The Kewpie Dolls (United States)
Rachel Wetzel
Nicole Johnson
Kandra Niagra (Team Leader)
The American Dreamers (United States)
SpiritMama~ Waxéla Sananda (Team Leader)
Cindy Sowers
The Ladies of Liberty (United States)
Donna Cooper
Paula Brinkman (Team Leader)
Tiffany Koornneef (Blog Leader)
The Eager Eagles (United States)
Ayala Art (Team Leader/ Blog Leader)
Jenna Frei
The American Pies (United States)
Lisa Johnson
Helen Fern (Team Leader)
Jesi Ferguson
Mary Palmer
Paula Brinkman
Sandy Nowell
The Bee-Bee-Q’s (United States)
Ayala Art (Blog Leader)
Emily Jane Hamaker-Olsen (Team Leader)
Nicole Johnson
Shauna Henry
Lezlei Ann Young
A big special thank you for Waxéla (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama for writing up ADO TDP, Mwah oxox
Love & light
Trace oxo