Have you heard of the 'Talmudic Stone Legend'?
Felicia Simion Photography
Ah...star-gazing at the magic in the sky. I love it when I'm out of the big city, look up and everything's so clear. Time to forget worries as the lustrous black curtain twinkles with promise.
Water building ~ Sakura ~ Japan
Unknown Artist
Inspired by the Pleiades constellation, I created the Amanara, a collective name for the seven Sindria who tend souls in a place called, Calageata.
The story of 'The lost Star', one of the Sindria, is called, Amarnae. Over the book series, the legend of Amarnae will be revealed.
Creation Story
The elements below haven't been written in the book, but there are layers to the story told, and I wanted to share the source of my inspiration with you, in part, of the creation story.
The birth of the Amanara/Calageata appeared as an ethereal, seven-petaled lotus shining the first light in the primordial universe after the 'Big Bang'. It's petals opened, and the building blocks of life, it's sparks of energy, spread out into the cold.
The birth of the Amanara/Calageata appeared as an ethereal, seven-petaled lotus shining the first light in the primordial universe after the 'Big Bang'. It's petals opened, and the building blocks of life, it's sparks of energy, spread out into the cold.
(Symbolic ~ The Cosmic/Orphic Egg)
The lotus flower with its seven petals is often symbolic of 'the source'.
Picture below:
In Shahin Ghiray’s Turkish ghazal or circle ode, the center word acts as both the first and last word of each line. A repeating cycle.
Inspiration for 'The Deisi'
In Hinduism and Buddhism, a sacred syllable, word, or verse, that is believed to possess mystical or spiritual power is called a Mantra. Mantras may be spoken aloud or uttered in thought, and may be either repeated or sounded only once. Reminds me of the hymns/chants in various religions.
Mantras are energy /vibration, and these vibrations can do many things. Most mantras have no verbal meaning, but they are significant and are said to help spiritually.
Read more HERE
love and light