Late on the afternoon of January 12, a massive earthquake struck the impoverished country of Haiti 10 miles from the capital of Port-au-Prince,
home to an estimated two million residents. Early reports indicate the temblor,
with a magnitude of 7.0 and aftershocks as high as 5.9,
has caused catastrophic damage, turning large sections of the city to rubble.

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100% of the donations raised go directly to Oxfam America and help provide emergency water and sanitation services to earthquake survivors in Haiti.
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how your clicks help Haiti
During the next two weeks, Oxfam will coordinate international aid groups on the ground in Haiti in the delivery of emergency water and sanitation services. Water is the most critical need in a country where this week's earthquake left at least 250,000 people homeless.
Without water, people can't last much beyond three days. That's why Oxfam focuses much of its emergency response on rushing to provide survivors with a safe supply.
Oxfam teams are distributing water canisters as well as bladders for water stations. With nearly all clean water systems knocked out by the earthquake, their supplies won't last long. But as the roads open up in and around Port-au-Prince, Oxfam is working to truck more water supplies into the city and set up urban latrines.
More Oxfam staff are arriving constantly, and Oxfam has search and rescue teams deployed to pull survivors from the rubble.
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