If you find yourself drawn to the enigmatic allure of the of Jade crystal stone, it could mean that it's time for a much-needed existential pick-me-up.
Kwan (Guan) Yin Rides the Dragon Bryce Widom
Chinese parents often give a jade bracelet as a gift to their daughters as a symbol of their love and protection. The wisdom and mystery of jade are passed down from mother to daughter as folklore. Jade is understood as being a symbol that represents the virtues of compassion, courage, justice, wisdom, and modesty.
But what if the jade bracelet breaks? Does it mean that the person is ill or sick? No. In fact, it is the contrary. If a woman’s jade bracelet breaks apart, then that means something terrible was about to occur, yet the jade took the damage. In other words, protecting her. Because of this belief, many Chinese women would wear jade bracelets as they believe that jade bracelets would help protect them from accidents.
In a post,
HERE I said that after nearly losing my jade bracelet while on holiday in Cyprus, once home, I placed it in my jewellery box and there it remained ever since. It has to be nearly 12 years!! Wow, time flies. Well, the years have been pretty tough in one way or another, and this year, 2017 has been a beast!
I was alerted via email that someone left a message on my 2017 New Year post.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post ~
Keep on writing, great job!
On visiting to leave a reply, no message was there. Weird. Anyway, at the bottom of the post, while looking for the message, I read:
But what if the jade bracelet breaks? Does it mean that the person is ill or sick? Not at all. In fact, it is the contrary. If a woman’s jade bracelet breaks apart, then that means something terrible was about to occur, yet the jade took the damage. In other words, protecting her. Because of this belief, many Chinese women would wear jade bracelets as they believe that jade bracelets would help protect them from accidents.
I used to wear a green jade bracelet and it broke clean in half. It was replaced with another of lavender jade. I haven't worn it in years...
Actually, twelve an a half years ago, that makes it around the last year of the rooster (as every twelve yrs - my sign). Full circle. That was the only sign I needed to run upstairs and retrieve my bracelet from the darkness of the box. Lol. So, now it adorns my left wrist once more. Feels good too. 💖
More on Jade below:
Jade gives you the wisdom to be able to see past self-imposed limitations and helps you shed that outdated can't-win-don't-try attitude. Incorporate Jade into your daily meditation and have the courage to discover your divine inner truth while discarding any negative patterns holding you back from your full potential.
While all crystals promote harmony between the mind, body, and spirit, the Jade crystal is a superstar in the world of crystal healing thanks to its powerful connection to the heart chakra and its varying degrees of intense, piercing shades of green. When it comes to bringing prosperity and abundance into your life, the Jade crystal stone is the ultimate good luck charm.
Just ask the ancient Chinese civilizations that carved Jade into statues and incorporated it into masks and jewelry, a style of antiquity that can still be viewed today. Jade statues of dragons were also used to decorate the tombs of emperors. In New Zealand, the local Jade was considered a stone of power in Maori traditions and as far back as the Stone Age, Viking invaders sacked villages in style with ax blades and weapons made with the striking gemstone.
Jade Meaning and Healing Properties
If you find yourself drawn to the enigmatic allure of the of Jade crystal stone, it could mean that it's time for a much-needed existential pick-me-up. Jade gives you the wisdom to be able to see past self-imposed limitations and helps you shed that outdated can't-win-don't-try attitude. Incorporate Jade into your daily meditation and have the courage to discover your divine inner truth while discarding any negative patterns holding you back from your full potential.
While all crystals promote harmony between the mind, body, and spirit, the Jade crystal is a superstar in the world of crystal healing thanks to its powerful connection to the heart chakra and its varying degrees of intense, piercing shades of green. When it comes to bringing prosperity and abundance into your life, the Jade crystal stone is the ultimate good luck charm.
Just ask the ancient Chinese civilizations that carved Jade into statues and incorporated it into masks and jewelry, a style of antiquity that can still be viewed today. Jade statues of dragons were also used to decorate the tombs of emperors. In New Zealand, the local Jade was considered a stone of power in Maori traditions and as far back as the Stone Age, Viking invaders sacked villages in style with ax blades and weapons made with the striking gemstone.
Jade Crystal
In the scope of the wider universe, Jade is part of the green color ray, the lushest and verdant shade of green, a color that reflects the pristine vegetation of the tropics. Similar to plants and photosynthesis, the Jade crystal properties harness the miracle of light that provides food for plants and their luscious gift of oxygen-rich greenery. The vibrant green variations of Jade are a symbol of growth and vitality, which makes it a stone that stands for wealth and longevity. And it's not all about the Benjamin's, because when Jade instills prosperity in every aspect of your life, you lead a richer, more fulfilling existence. After all, money can only buy so much happiness. The rest comes from within. So get in touch with the Jade crystal stone meaning and go deep.
Jade Meaning
Channel Jade crystal healing properties and feel its intense and magnetic light filling your spirit with courage, your trusted companion on any spiritual adventure. Its deep and striking variations of green resonate with the heart chakra, the energy center that helps ward off a case of the ‘blahs’ or what intellectuals call the existential crisis. Use Jade healing properties to open up your heart to unconditional love and feel the power of the universe and its life-giving combination of water mixed with the earth. A miracle that evolved out of the primordial ooze, the Jade crystal is the magical link to our vast universe and the very essence of life.
Jumpstart your meditation practice with the lush and verdant shades of Jade, the good luck crystal that brings abundance and prosperity to your life. Start by creating a sacred space free of clutter and any other distractions. Cleanse the space by smudging it with a sage smudge stick and place a lit candle near the stone, which sets the mood for a magical crystal healing treatment. To get the most out of your therapeutic session, borrow from the wisdom of the ancient Zen tradition and gaze at the stone. Contemplate peacefully on your intention, which will be stored in the crystal to be accessed any time you need it. Like having a trusted mentor on speed dial, call on Jade next time you wish upon a star.
Sit quietly with the stone for 20 minutes, reflecting on gratitude and its warming effects on the heart. With every deep breath, hold the stone in your hands, breathe in the powerful healing properties of Jade and take a deep exhale, releasing all the pain and worry holding you back from your natural state of joy. Jade also adds a pop of color to your home decor while giving off vibes of peace and prosperity. If you feel drawn to the spirit world, Jade also makes a great wingman. Place it on the third chakra and let its bright, dazzling hues illuminate your path towards enlightenment and higher consciousness.
When you incorporate Jade into your daily life, get ready for an opportunity to rock.
Qing Dynasty Chinese Jade carving Quan Yin.
Jade is a special stone that is believed to promote wisdom, balance, and peace. It has spiritual attributes, which are extremely distinct. This prehistoric sign of calm and peace is a unique, strong piece of tool that encourages our consciousness to increase at a higher level. However, jade gemstones perform such function in a restrained and humble way. Because of its extraordinary broad effectiveness, this gemstone is frequently categorized together with the diamond.
Since the prehistoric time, Jade was regarded as a gemstone of nobility, power, and royalty most particularly in the East. It was considered as a manifestation of the worldwide ideology. The jade gemstone corresponds to the atmosphere of the Planet Neptune. Thus, the reason why people who are born with astrological signs representing a water element are mostly fascinated with jade.
Jade is a special gemstone of healing and stability. It relieves anxiety and lightens emotions developed from fear. This stone is one of the many gemstones, which never allow any negative energy or negative influences to affect the individual wearing it. It does not allow the entry of any external negative vibration. It simply protects people from getting disturbed by negative influences as it continues to emit cleansing and calming aura. Jade can also establish a closer connection between the different stages of the intellectual part of the body. Hence, it improves the mental capacity of a person. The ancient people from the East have known all the healing properties of Jade for hundreds of years.
Here and
Jade and the Astrological Signs
There are two minerals, which are equally interpenetrating within Jade’s immense gemstone formation; nephrite and jadeite. The best varieties of jadeite are nearly clear, but they are infrequently completely transparent. The greatest jade varieties are packed with concealed beauty and power.
Brown and yellow jade gemstones are great for Aries and Leo.
Lilac and pinkish tones are intended for Sagittarius, Libra, and Taurus.
Light shades of white and cream jade stones are best for Capricorn, Cancer, and Virgo.
Jade with deep green colours are special for Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Putting your much-loved jade gemstone under your pillow will help you recall and understand your dreams. It is preferred that you pick the stone that has the shade, which is perfectly matched to your astrological sign of birth.
The inimitable properties of jade have motivated the creation of art statuettes that display unrivaled beauty. In fact, most statues of the goddess Kuan Yin in China are made of jade. Kuan Yin is the country’s goddess of compassion and mercy. She is known to protect little children and motherhood. Her amazing statues can promote positive energy in a home.
Jade’s Metaphysical Attributes
The myths of the ancient China indicated that jade gemstone can be referred to as a crystallized moonlight, which has fallen down to the Earth from the highest tip of the most holy mountains. It doesn’t need any purification from any type of negative vibration since it is a genuine endowment from heaven. People who may have wondered about the cleansing process of this gemstone shouldn’t speculate anymore as it is naturally serene and clear. Jadestone emits mild and relaxing vibrations on us and in our home or office.

Jade is great for inner silence contemplation. Try taking a piece of jade stone and hold it while you try to listen to what it would like to whisper to you. Getting the message from this stone depends upon how you hold it while you’re in the process of meditating. To be able to capture the message of the stone, you have to be a good and real listener. To become one, you just have to cautiously focus your attention and gently hold the stone in your hand. Doing such a procedure allows the smooth flow of the message. The way you handle jade is often similar to the way you handle the people around you. It’s the same as how you manage situations. Meditation with the jade gemstone is a good process for starters. Once done properly, you shall discover a few aspects of your like that you were not aware of at the first place.
Jade and Physical Healing Properties
Jade is considered helpful for the heart, immune system, spleen, kidneys, nervous system, thymus, and hair. The red jade is believed to be an active stone. It can soothe anxious situations and discharge the energy. It can over motivate the person wearing or holding it. The red jade can be used to handle expressions of anger, agitation, and upset. When it comes to promoting joy, inner peace, and happiness, the best stone is the orange one. Orange jade can help the digestive organs of the human body. It as well provides security and boosts the wearer’s energy.
Like the orange jade, the yellow jade also transmits inner peace and happiness. It is also used to assist the stability of the digestive organs in the body. To calm the nervous system, wearing a green jade is best. The green shade is the most common. It stands for life and can help someone in searching for their heart’s true desire. It stimulates the wearer in expressing love. Another peaceful stone is the blue jade. It is linked to the Third Eye Chakra. It helps an individual reach the deeper stage of meditation. Blue jade is also helpful when performing relaxation workouts. It holds a steady energy that is granted to those who are experiencing too much stress in life.
To achieve self control, wearing jewelry with lavender jade can help. It will enable you to connect to and stabilize your soft, emotional side. Hence, this is perfect for people who have been disappointed or hurt by love. Gray and black shaded jade gemstones are created for the wise ones. These stones encourage the proper use of power. If you have a brown jade, you can use it to help you in adjusting to any new surroundings. For instance, you have been assigned to a new workplace; brown jade will assist you in adapting to a new environment.
Jadeite Carving. Levander jade is highly esteemed in the East, while the West appreciates the green hues most. There are seven qualities of green jade, varying from the intense royal green till the lighter pale green.
Mercy Goddess
Guanyin or Guan Yin is an East Asian bodhisattva associated with compassion as venerated by Mahayana Buddhists. She is commonly known as the "Goddess of Mercy" in English. The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, meaning "[The One Who] Perceives the Sounds of the World".
Some Buddhists believe that when one of their adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the
heart of a lotus, and then sent to the western
Pure Land of Sukhāvatī. The relative time-flow in the pure lands may be different, with a day in one pure land being equivalent to years in another. This is much like the Western 'Fairyland'.
Guanyin is often referred to as the "most widely beloved Buddhist Divinity" with miraculous powers to assist all those who pray to her, as is said in the Lotus Sutra and Karandavyuha Sutra.
One Buddhist legend from the Complete Tale of Guanyin and the Southern Seas presents Guanyin as vowing to never rest until she had freed all sentient beings from saṃsāra or cycle of rebirth.
Guan Yin in lotus, bronze, Singapore Museum
Some Buddhist and Christian observers have commented on the similarity between Guanyin and the Blessed Virgin Mary. This can be attributed to the representation of Guanyin holding a child in Chinese art and sculpture; it is believed that Guanyin is the patron saint of mothers and grants parents filial children, this apparition is popularly known as the "Child-Sending Guanyin".One example of this comparison can be found in the Tzu Chi Foundation, a Taiwanese Buddhist humanitarian organisation, which noticed the similarity between this form of Guanyin and the Virgin Mary. The organisation commissioned a portrait of Guanyin holding a baby, closely resembling the typical Roman Catholic Madonna and Child painting. Copies of this portrait are now displayed prominently in Tzu Chi affiliated medical centres.
Read more of Kwan (Guan) Yin
Love and light,