Welcome to the one world, one heart giveaway
Sadly it will be the last owoh giveaway
& will be very much missed after its fifth year running;0(
But here we are about to have some blog fun :0)
(link to OWOH can be found via clicking picture above)
(the day winners are announced) 2011

One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers only.
It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world.

The winner will receive
a pyrography
and a unicorn horn (clay)
said to bring life renewal!
Wow what better prize could anyone wish for ! :0)

Please if entering leave your name,
country & how I may contact you:
ie: Email
Thank you x

I am also giving away an Alice doll for Ado OWOH:
Please click on image to take to ADO blog

I will be using an online number generator to choose the winner..
Best of luck
Love & light
YEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!!I hope I will win because I am a very very nice person and I really really deserve to win at least a uncorn horn!( lol!!!)
what a lovely giveaway! i hope i am the lucky winner! please add me to the draw and, if you have a chance, please swing by my blog...
Magical blog and wonderful giveaway. Too much fun this is...but, I need more coffee, there sure a lot of blogs involved in this wonderful event. Visit my blog when you find a moment....I'm giving away a stone necklace.
such a beautiful giveaway!! count me in please.
Beautiful! I enjoyed browsing through your blog- This is my first year enjoying the OWOH event..So much fun! What a great way to meet new friends. I hope you visit my blog and join in on my giveaway as well!
Hi Trace,
Now that's what I call a truly magical prize -- you put so much imagination into it! :) Thanks for offering that treasure as door prize.
Happy creating,
# 66
Tracey-Ann.....Your work is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for opening your Blog doors to me. I'm really inspired by the lovely things you're created.
I'm hopping around the world tanks to OWOH !!!
Love your prize, how creative!!!! I would looooove to win.
Thanks for the chance.
Lots of greetings from Belgium.
Gorgeous shrine
Wow, what a cool giveaway!! This is definitely unique, and something I would be thrilled to win.
drop by my blog too for my giveaway if you get a chance
OWOH # 185
There are so many details!
If you get a moment please visit as I am also participating:
What a wonderful and magical giveaway! I hope to get one of these items!
I am participating too in this OWOH 2011 giveaway, so I invite you to take a look and maybe win one of my special items!
Ooh magic from the fairies - just what I like! You'll have to pop by to read my fairytale - I think you'll like it.
Beautiful blog ! great giveaway!!
Hallo, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is soooo beautiful.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!
Hi from blissangels and my doggy friends Willow and Acorn ..it is wonderful to met you and see the beautiful BLOG...well more OWOH posts to see. when you get time popped over to see me,#364 the kettle is on. Hugs wendy http://blissangels.blogspot.com
Hi, I live in Kentucky, USA. Your giveaway is so beautiful! I love that unicorn horn. Please count me in. I flew here via the OWOH event.
Trace it's beautiful! You're so creative!
Gorgeous prize.........I'd love to win it!
Please visit my blog when you get a moment.
Beautiful giveaway! I love purple and I love unicorns. I'd love to win, please enter me in the drawing.
Hey :) I'm Kirssy, from California!
The unicorn horn is amazing! Love the magic of it!
summereyes91 at yahoo.com
Very lovely! Sign me up please. My blog is http://www.everyonescharming.blogspot.com
email - dootsyct@hotmail.com
i've never seen one of these before. very cool!
Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey! I am meeting so many wonderful bloggers, including you!
my name is janine and I'm a participant off OWOH too, I love your art work it is so delicate, thanks you for this opportunity, best wishes from Janine from Germany
Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!
Hello, what a gorgeous giveaway, and it would certainly be a great addition to my alter (unicorn horn) I love the shades of purple on the tryptich. VERY, VERY pretty indeed.
I am in NJ,USA, please come see me:) #209
(Pieces of Fate)
susanscraps AT comcast DOT net
Unicorn!! How adorable :) I can feel the love!!! Anyway, so pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle by the way)! Now I want to ask you to please, please come comment at my OWOH post too :) I'm number 120 on the list yey! (oh & please feel free to drop in now and then after OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)
Hiya Trace
You have a great blog - beautiful pieces - I would be delighted to win one of your prizes and would treasure it. I shall keep everything crossed :):)
I have joined your followers so that I can come back for a more leisurely look
Enjoy your trip around OWOH
I'm No 177
What a magical piece of art to giveaway. I think everyone should have a unicorn horn (although you'll have to promise that no unicorns were injured in their harvesting!)
I love Unicorns! Please let me win!
Hi Jasmoon (Tracey-Anne)
this is a great site, I love the dolls in the slideshow. Please enter me in your draw. You are welcome to drop in if you have the time;
Hi from Ky! So many creative bloggers out here! Put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize Please! Thanks,Tee creationsbytee@gmail.com
Lovely blog! Goodness-there are so many! But yours is especially lovely. Glad I visited.
Please drop by to see the bead woven necklace I am giving away.
Jeanie Callaghan
Woot I love unicorns, and twonicorns (that's unicorns with two horns heheh) Please enter me in your giveaway!
Happy OWOH!!
Jennifer Hall
My Email: Miss.Jennifer.Hall@gmail.com
My Blog: http://slyfoxcrafts.wordpress.com/
i love this piece , really nice
robin krieger
Hi Tracey,
Beautiful mixed media as always.
Stop by #324 OWOH
Hi Tracey-Anne,
I don't think I've ever visited your blog so it's very nice to meet you. Please include my name in your draw and it would be terrific if you could drop by my blog for a visit too. I'm sure I'll be back for another visit. Have fun!!!
Martina from Stuttgart/Germany
••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿●•• ••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿
Visiting your blog is always a treat. I love your artistic talent and creativity. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. Thanks for your participation in the event.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Beautiful!! I am looking forward to visiting your blog and magical creations again!
Happy February :)
cyclona66 at aol dot com
Please enter me into your giveaway. There is so much to explore on your blog. I will come back. Hop over to mine if you have time. www.tizduster.typepad.com
Hi there, so nice to meet you!
Your giveaway is wonderful and gorgeous, would love to be in with a chance to win! Love your blog too and am a follower now.
Greetings from bonny Scotland.
PS. If you have a minute and have not already done so, please come and visit mine too:o)
What an amazing giveaway! Please count me in & if you have moment...drop by my blog & enter mine. Hugs, Diane
Oh, wow! I am captivated by this giveaway! So beautiful and that unicorn horn makes me immensely happy! Thank you for this opportunity to win! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357
Your giveaway has me smiling from ear to ear ~ how utterly charming! What a magical prize for the winner!!!
❄ So nice to meet you through OWOH. I'm playing too ~ #225 ❄
HElllooo from Texas! Wow a little bit of magic and a unicorn horn . What more could one wish for? :) Just lovely! Got my fingers and toes crossed!
Wow, what wonerful art you are creating. How inspiring.
Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
I would love to have the chance to win... Please enter my name..
OWOH #502
I really love your triptic. Please include my name in your drawing.
Hello Tracey-Ann!
Nice to find you here too! Love your creations!
Come see my giveaway too at
This is so unusual. Maybe I'll be the lucky winner?
Hi Im Belinda Nice to meet you .Love your Blog!!
Please visit mine.My door prize is a OOAK polymer bunting baby
hugs Belinda
This is sooo neat! Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)
I love your unicorn horn, what a neat idea. It was great visiting your blog and I hope that you will come visit mine
I love the horn and the magical triptych.
Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!
I can see how much work you put into it...what a wonderful piece!
Greetings from Cornwall, this is such a lovely piece of work, a gift to be treasured. Pop ove to me for a visit if you get the chance!
What a beautiful giveaway! It has been lovely meetingyou and your blog.
Helen, from Surrey. (email deets in my profile)
Hello from Pennsylvania. WOW! This is such a gorgeous, mystical, cool door prize that you have created! Someone is going to be very lucky to win this lovely piece of art and a unicorn horn to boot!
Sandi #559
Very Kewl, count me in!
Lynn (#65)
I love seeing all the neat things that people create!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Amy from Pennsylvania
AtypicalMusings.com (OWOH #520)
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway! Your triptych is absolutely gorgeous, I keep looking at the pictures and there is something new to find each time... and a unicorn horn, how enchanting! Glad to meet you as I take my slow journey around the world...
Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!
Beautiful talented Jasmoon..
I really love the Life Renewal' piece - i think it's fantastic.
Onwards and upwards sweetie!
jackie h xx
hello from Ohio! It is great getting to know your beautiful blog! Your gift is just beautiful!
Gabriela #439
Hi Tracey, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win your gorgeous work of art and look at that, even a unicorn horn:-)
Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
Beautiful gift. Thanks for the chance to win. Please pop over to my blog and enter mine. http://fairlygirly.blogspot.com/ #636
I LOVE the work of your hands and heart and truly believe unicorns existed...before man hunted them out of existence! When you've time, please visit Thistle Cove Farm.
Wow, this is really beautiful! I would be so honored to win this!
Have a wonderful week!
Beautiful work!
Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Keisha
Your pieces are gorgeous - as is your blog - very restful - please pop by my OWOH giveaway also x
What a gorgeous offering! Love the beautiful shades of lavender you use! Thanks! Visit me soon, too! ♥ I'm # 389 ! ♥
...such an eye pleasing color. thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!
Hi Jasmoon,
Your art is just so gorgeous and magickal! And I love your blog header with the beautiful faery. I'm crossing my fingers I win a giveaway from here, they're so alchemical and wondrous.
Please enter my name for a chance to win your giveaway.
Thank you so much and blessings
Wendy : )
"The Year of the Cats"
Your blog is awesome! Love the colors, the magical music and your fantastic give away! I have been having fun hopping around and finding such unique people like you! Stop by sometime, Wanda in Ohio #220
needlewings (at) mac (dot) com
your work is beautiful and your offerings so lovely! the music, visuals, spirit of your blog is so enchanted!!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list!
warm hugs & blessings from Montana!
Fantastic giveaway! Really lovely work! It is so much fun seeing all the different types of things being given away and meet new(to me) bloggers! Please enter me in your giveaway!
Your gifts are so unique I love them. Who could have imagined an unicorn horn!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com
Hi Tracey-Anne, So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. I just love your work and have been a follower for a while. Enjoy the rest of OWOH from another SW London Girl! Kim (No. 724)
Wonderful give away,
i taking part too.
Rein #170
Your giveaway is gorgeous!! Thank you so much for the chance to win =D
Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already
Hi Trace, this is so pretty! Now where did you get that unicorn horn??? You must have very special magical connections :)
What a gorgeous prize. Love the idea of a unicorn horn - how unique is that!
WOW what a truly lovely giveaway I LOVE it.
What a lovely giveaway
thank you
chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com
wow, its a lovely gift!
Nice Giveaway~Hello from Ontario Canada. Please count me in for your giveaway.
canadianmadeskyy @hotmail.ca
Please visit my OHOW giveaway:
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get a chance to stop by my blog is #809
Thanks for the chance of winning your magical prize Tracey Ann!
I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.
Sherry also from London (just outside anyway!)
How unique and magical!
Please add my name to your draw and come to my blog-#348 and add your name there if you wish. Thanks and Good Luck!
Hello from Oregon! Thanks for inviting me to peek around your blog and enter your giveaway. I love unicorns! Your prize is just too magical (and perfect). Thanks for the chance to win
I would love it if you could find time to come to my blog and enter for my door prize also.
:) Gale
What a beautiful giveaway! I love it. My colors to boot :) Please add me to the drawing.
#511 & #515
onebookshy at yahoo dot com
Hello from Canada Trace. I have to agree with you, can't think of a more wonderful gift than this one!
I would love to have you stop by and visit, if you haven't already-
http://wishiniknewhowtoblog.blogspot.com/. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
You have a very warm and inviting blog. I really enjoyed the visit. In fact, I was blown away by that gorgeous shrine. And the unicorn horn adds to the promise of what is to come. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.
This is a great prize, and I was happy to read no unicorns were harm in the making of it.
Oh WOW beautiful! Please include me :)
Rayna - Minnesota
northstarshetlands AT gmail.com
OWOH blogger #836
What a beautiful giveaway! Count me in please! #269
beautiful work would love to be included in your draw.....
Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!
Hi Jasmoon!! Nice to meet you!! Your creation is beautiful! I love that you made a unicorn horn :) Have fun with OWOH this year!
Unicorn horn? Well of course I want one!
:-) Gina
Please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at BREATHofART@aol.com. Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at www.breathofart.blogspot.com
This is as beautiful as it is utterly, fantastically cool!! Thanks for giving me a chance!
Cameron #83
Hmmm, looks like my last comment didn't post? So please forgive me if I double-post here. But as much as I want my chance at that magic box and horn (hey, those things are hard to come by in this day and age!) I also want to say how awesome you are for coming up with such a gift! A lot of work evident there, for sure! And I trust that Unicorn horn is sustainably harvested, after the shedding season, and all.;)
Your giveaways are so cool. The triptych is awesome and I have never seen a unicorn horn before but I could certainly use one :) I am Deborah from the USA and I already signed up on ADO. Please add me to your giveaway and come over and visit me too. I am #229 on the list.
What an amazing giveaway! I love all the layers and depth to this piece- SO cool- and I would be thrilled to win!
Please stop by and see me too:
Happy OWOH!
Stephane #677
Wonderfully magical giveaway! I have always wanted to learn woodburning, and that unicorn horn is just fantastic!
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to pop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada
hello! i would be so delighted to win your giveaway! everyone needs a unicorn horn and the tryptich is beautiful! thank you for the chance to win. if you haven't yet, i hope you can drop by my blog at http://peggyapl.blogspot.com/ (#544) and join my OWOH giveaway. hugs from peggyapl(at)gmail.com!
Hello from downunder :)
I love your giveaway.. please enter me too!
Visit mine too if you get the chance.. time is running out!
Greetings from Ipswich, MA
I'm glad to meet you. I'm #509
I'm a jewelry artist, watercolor painter, and over all creative adventurer! And...I'd be honored to have you follow my blog!
Wonderful give away! Please enter me into the OWOH drawing. Thanks!
I hope you get to visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L
I would love to be entered into your draw.My name is Mary Patricia from Ireland.
Hello and greetings from Virginia. I absolutely love your art piece... it is soooooo gorgeous and I LOVE the color purple! Please throw my name in the hat for a chance to win such a unique gift.
I would love for you to hop on over to my blog for a visit. I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.
I recently found my unicorn collection from my childhood...this would fit in nicely! ;)
Please enter my name in your give-a-way and drop by my blog when you have a moment:
(#535 OWOH)
Lovely blog and lovely giveaways…I hope I win. I need to win this and give it to my granddaughter...she feels like she is in love with someone and he sees her as a friend...she says her heart is broke...she loves fanacy...maybe this would herp her deal with it.
Carolyn Kight Michigan USA
My blogs in OWOH
email: cmkights@tc3net.com
another email carolynleekight@gmail.com (I like this one the best.)
Your door prize is awesome!
I cross my fingers when I throw my name in your hat! :)
Please come and visit my blog too if you didn´t do it already! Thank you :)
Warm regards
Susan, nr 471
How lovely! What a Magical prize! I would love to win it! Plkease pick me! :)
Please come to my Blog to win a real crystal ball!
Be well & wish well,
Wow, how beautiful and unique -- I'm pretty sure you're the first person to give away a unicorn horn!
stormcostcreations at gmail dot com
Hello from Florence Oregon. I have so enjoyed your blog. Please count me in on your giveaway.
You are so creative! I love this giveaway...Please enter me into your draw! So nice to meet you here through OWOH! I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog , too:-)
Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you. I am having a ball participating in OWOH - isn't this fun! Thanks for the chance to win your awesome triptych giveaway!
( stampgram AT yahoo DOT com )
If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
I think no one could ask for a better giveaway! :-) It's so magical and enchanting and ... beautiful! Thank you so much for the chance to win! Hope you'll stop by and visit with me at my blog if you have a few moments.
All good wishes!
Hi Tracey-Anne, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted pyrograph Triptych and unicorn horn art project. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
This is such a great giveaway, I've been looking for a unicorn horn of course!
come see my blog too!
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind visit (#377). Your work is tremendous! A unicorn horn!!!! How magical and unique. Thanks so very much. :) Enjoy the final few hours of OWOH. Sincerely, Theresa
What a beautiful creation!And a unicorn horn!!!!! Please please please let me win!thanks for the chance!
Hello Jasmoon, what a lovely offering, it will most certainly bring new life and joy to the winner! :)
Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)
calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art
Hello, Tracy Anne
I saw your name in the blog list and knew I should come see what creative genius you have been up to.
I love your beautiful giveaway! I love things that open and have secrets inside!
I am still at Cloth and Clay doll ning...slowly making dolls. And I am still in love with the doll you made that I have in my glass doored china cabinet...I think the fairies get into the china cabinet at night while all is quiet just to visit Elsie...she has lots of company with other handmade one-of-a-kind dollies too. Although, I do think she misses her cousin.
Can you please enter me in your wonderful giveaway?
Thank you!
Teresa in California
All of your work is just lovely =) This is my first time participating in OWOH, and I am loving it! Stop by and register for my giveaway, if you like. Kathryn, from Florida
hi what a gorgeous giveaway
please include me and thanks for you visit!
Hello Trace,
Din't know you were doing the OWOH ....
I'm late, I'm late, this blog hopping is great fun, but I am running out of time....
Yes, please add me to your beautiful give away !
and visit mine if you still have some time....
#206 - OWOH
Thank you everyone for taking the time to pop by and say hi :0)
Will be announcing thewinner tonight whoop whoop
love & light
Trace oxo
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