Tis cooked & stirred like some kind of stew,
but magic is abound
and no other place can this brew be found...

There are tales of Absinthe
a green fae brew
but this potion I make is new for you

Hubble bubble
it whispers wisdom of old

it seems the message is love

Let me pour you a tipple
then see what your mind ripples
...taste the nectar of this green fae

Are you still with me?
Can you yet see a fine mist set before you?
Rays of light carrying your wishes to the source of empowerment..

Yes....tis hallows eve..

take another sip
of the bohemian potion
start all your wishes in motion

Do you see her yet?
The green bohemian fae?
She's almost ready to take you where your dreams lay..

There now ...feel her magic,
encompass her words..
sweet love & light
for you on this magical, mystical night

What else is brewing?
Visit again to find out
*hee hee*

A little lore for you
Norse Hallows Eve
In the old Norse religion an event believed to occur around the
same time of the year as Halloween was the álfablót (elven blót).
The elves were powers connected to the ancestors,
and it can be assumed that the blót related to a cult of the ancestors.
The álfablót is also celebrated in the modern revival of Norse religion, Ásatrú.
The Álfablót or the Elven sacrifice was a pagan Scandinavian sacrifice to the elves towards the end of autumn, when the crops had been harvested and the animals were most fat. Tthe álfablót was a local celebration at the homesteads
and they were mainly administered by the lady of the household.
Nothing is known about the particular rites because they were surrounded by secrecy and strangers were not welcome to the homesteads during the celebrations.
However, since the elves were collective powers with a close connection to ancestors and fertility,
it is possible that the álfablót concerned ancestor worship and the life force of the family.
The sacrifice often took the form of a sacramental meal or feast.
The modern English language term bless likely derives from the 1225 term blessen,
The term also appears in other forms, such as blēdsian (before 830 and derived from *blōðisōjanan),
blētsian from around 725 and blesian from around 1000,
all meaning "to make sacred
or holy by sacrificial custom; to mark with blood"
The verb blóta meant "to worship with sacrifice",or "to strengthen".
The sacrifice usually consisted of animals, in particular pigs and horses.
The meat was boiled in large cooking pits with heated stones, either indoors or outdoors.
The blood was considered to contain special powers and it was sprinkled on the statues of the gods,
on the walls and on the participants themselves.
It was a sacred moment when the people gathered around the steaming cauldrons to have a meal together with the gods or the Elves.
The drink that was passed around was blessed and sacred as well and it was passed from participant to participant.
The drink was usually beer or mead but among the nobility it could be imported wine.
The old prayer was til árs ok friðar, "for a good year and frith (peace)"
They asked for fertility, good health,
a good life and peace and harmony between the people and the powers.
The autumn blót was performed in the middle of October,
or Yule, in the middle of January.
Freyr was the most important god at the Midwinter and autumn blót, and Christmas ham (the pig was for Freyr) is still a main Christmas course in parts of Scandinavia. Then, they drank for victory in war and this blót was the starting date for Viking expeditions and wars.
A building where the blót took place was called a hov.
Horgr means altar possibly consisting of a heap of stones, Lund means "grove" and Ve simply "sacred place". The Christian laws forbade worshipping at the haug or haugr meaning "mound" or "barrow"
local tradition presents a poem describing what appears to have been the last larger blót
perhaps as late as the 19th century.
It also shows that the farmers in the area still knew how to perform such a rite.
Elden den "köllas" av nio slags ved, | The fire is lit by nine kinds of wood, |
det är gammal sed. | that is the old custom. |
Offer till andarna skänkes, | A sacrifice is offered [to the spirits], |
med blodet sig alla bestänkes. | everyone is sprinkled with the blood. |
Det bästa till andar föräras, | The best part is gifted to spirits, |
det som blir över skall av männen förtäras. | what remains is to be consumed by the men.
The information that nine kinds of wood were used to light the fire is only found in this poem,
and may simply have been overlooked by medieval sources.
Kormáks saga accounts for how a sacrifice to elves was apparently
believed able to heal a severe battle wound:
- Þorvarð healed but slowly; and when he could get on his feet he went to see Þorðís,
- and asked her what was best to help his healing.
- "A hill there is," answered she,
- "not far away from here, where elves have their haunt.
- Now get you the bull that Kormák killed,
- and redden the outer side of the hill with its blood,
- and make a feast for the elves with its flesh. Then thou wilt be healed."
Skålgropar, a particular kind of petroglyph found in Scandinavia,
were known in older times as älvkvarnar (elven mills), pointing to their believed usage.
One could appease the elves by offering them a treat (preferably butter) placed into an elven mill
– perhaps a custom with roots in the Old Norse álfablót.
A more recent theory suggests that some skålgropar might have represented rudimentary astronomical maps.

Love & light
have fun tonight

Hi Trace,
These are some of the most magical, haunting and beautiful photos I've ever seen. What a fabulous job you did with the blog party. I will come back and read again the beautiful prose and legends you have posted.
Thanks so much for setting the mood for Halloween.
Awww Cheryl thats so nice of you :0)
Thank you so much for popping by and taking the time to leave a lovely comment.
Big hugs to you my friend
Trace oxo
Blessings and love to you...
I love the animation... fabulous!
Beautiful pics! And interesting read! Thank you for sharing!
Welcome to visit my Halloween party:
Thanks for hosting a Halloween party. I enjoyed your pictures. I'm having a party of my own here
Ah a little magic from the Absinthe fairy, just what we needed!
I loved reading the old tales too - thanks for taking the time to share them, this post must have taken you ages to prepare!
There's a spooky tale waiting for you on my blog - read it after dark if you dare...
Thank you so much for visitng my party. Yours is amazing ! Thank you for the brew recipe (I shall be makeing that soon !), the insight on the beautiful fairy, and of course the lore. I was actually searching for some new Halloween info. and can't believe how yous just happen to appear, it's a bit majical.... dont't you think ? I hope you have a great Halloween !
Great job with the photos! And the lore lesson. Interesting to know. Thanks for stopping by my party.
Love the blinking black kitties. So cute!
Great post! some many good things here. xx
Oooo yum that Witches' Brew recipe sounds lovely :)
Happy Halloween Blog Party! This is my first one but I'm having a lot of fun so far!
I have been so tied up with other stuff that this year I am not participating by posting but I am visiting some of those who have found time to post. Lovely to find you again on this journey jasmoon.
Such an informative post and wonderful images.
Wonderful party post! Thank you for inviting us all to attend.
Feel free to come and share time with me:
Enjoy the parties,
Magnificent potions and photos!! I must try the fruity witches brew for certain! Such sparkly enchantment, I love it!
Thank you for sharing the magic!!
♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}
WOW!!! I am simply enchanted!! You are so creative!! A fabulous blog I must say!! So happy I fly by for a visit!! What a delight!
'The modern English language term bless likely derives from the 1225 term blessen, which developed from the Old English blǣdsian (preserved in the Northumbrian dialect around 950).'
Wow - this is a very well thought-out post - good one!
Happy Hallows Eve Party! Thank you for sharing, such pretty images!
Love the green eyed fae! And fascinating information on the Norse Elven tale. Best wishes and thanks so much for stopping by the Fürsts!
olutely love absynthe you know? I have a friend who use to make is own in France. Completely illegal of course! Ha!ha! but SOOOOOO good!
Thank you for your lovely presentation Tace!
Hope we'll meet in the flesh one day.
Magical party my dear. And thank you for the legends. I loved reading
<3 Michelle
that was interesting! thanks :)
come visit:
Magickal, magickal, how I want some faery absinthe!! Thank you for posting about the elven blot, so many interesting pagan traditions are unknown to us now, thank you for the reconnection :)
I'm fashionably late, but so glad I made it! Fabulous party!
Amazing images! Thanks for sharing them and for inviting me to your party! I hope you will come and visit my party, too!
A taste of the green fae brew gave me quite a magical lift. I enjoyed the Norse lore
Someday I wish to know how to begin to do a fraction of the beautiful artworks you have shown here.
The info educational portion of the post was most fascinating.
I am a new follower and shall return again.
What a wonderful party post! I think I've imbibed too much absinthe potions to take in all the history just at the moment, but I'll be back. It was mentioned on QI recently that a large proportion of Icelandic people believe in elves (or refuse to say that they don't believe) and I wonder if this ties in with that?
Thanks very much :D
what a wonderful party!
I love your images!
Hope you'll come visit mine and my post(s) for all of October!
Came by too early yesterday, glad I stopped back...
This is sooooo much fun!!!
Love your blog, PICs & your creations.
Please fly by for my giveaways too...
Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy
My Haunted Halloween Party Link:
I'm SO glad you found me because now I have found you. What a beautiful place you have here; I adore your art and the information is so fantastic. I'll definitely be back to visit. All the best to you! Sheila
I enjoyed reading your stories
If you get the chance come by and visit me!
I am simply enchanted by your lovely and creative blog!... You are so creative!! A fabulous blog I must say!!
will be back for more,you can count on it!
You are magic! Great place and creations! Thanks for the fun! Blessings.
Thanks for having me to your spooky party! I had a wonderful time and I can't wait to make some witches brew, it sounds delicious......
Stop by our party and giveaway (http://blog1.ardoria.com/?p=897)
Have a spooktacular Halloween!
What a festive event, great post!
What delightful pictures! And I love reading the post as well. Thank you for having us.
what a wonderful party!
Happy haloween!!Bo-Boo
Lovely images, Love the blog party.
Sorry it has taken me so long to get around to saying 'Hi fellow The Altered Element Teamie!' Looking forward to getting to know you some more!
I've been wondering about the green fairy ever since I saw Johnny Depp making one. Now I really must try it. Lovely animation, Edward and Bella kissing, almost thought it was Romeo and Juliet for a moment, my eyes....hehehe! Anyway, I adore your dg art and blog.
Happy Halloween!
If you like to come over for a visit , I am giving away some of my art prints.
Wow I love learning about the roots of our festivities and various ways to celebrate the seasons! Thanks fot the party! Beautiful pictures! - please do come on over to our graveyard / party The Graveyard
and feel free to add to our Shrine To Honour The Dead if you are so inclined! Blessings.
Such wonderful treats at your party! I love the potions, the enchanting lore and that wee green Absinthe fae...ah me thinks I see the mist in the distance. Thank you for a bewitching time. I'm brewing my magical tea for the party and I'll see you soon under the Halloween moon!
Love all the beautiful photos. Great party.
I love the music, too.
Wow! Love the brew recipe, the pictures are so magical and stunning! I love how you shared a bit of lore with us! I can't stop looking at your absinthe magic photos. EEK! So Fab.u.lous! Thanks for stopping by my party. Sorry I am late!
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