ADO third quarterly Challenge
Our Lady's Child

My first armature doll completed...yay! ;0)
Our laddy's child ate sugar cakes, and drank sweet milk

"Dear child, I am about to make a long journey,
so take into thy keeping the keys
of the thirteen doors of heaven.
Twelve of these thou mayest open,
and behold the glory which is within them,
but the thirteenth, to which this little key belongs,
is forbidden to thee.
Beware of opening it, or thou wilt bring misery on thyself."
The young girl began to examine thedwellings of the kingdom of heaven. Each day she opened one of them, until shehad made the round of the twelve.

The forbidden door alone remained unopened,
and she felt a great desire to
know what could be hidden behind it,
and said to the angels,
"I will not quite open it,
and I will not go inside it,
but I will unlock it so that we can
just see a little through the opening."
"Oh, no," said the little angels
touching the light a little with her finger,
and her finger became quite golden.
'thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven'
said Mary the angel after asking girl
if she opened the door
and the girl replying a steadfst no.
Then the girl fell into a deep sleep,
and when she awoke she lay on the earth below,
and in the midst of a wilderness.

In old hollow tree,
this was to be her dwelling place.
Into this she crept when night came,
and here she slept.
Here,too, she found a shelter from storm and rain.
Roots and wild berries were her only food
In the autumn she picked up the fallen nuts and leaves,
and carried them into the hole.

One day, when the trees were once more clothed in fresh green,
the King of the country was hunting in the forest,
and followed a roe,
and as it had fled into the thicket which
shut in this bit of the forest,
he got off his horse, tore the bushes asunder,
and cut himself a path with his sword.

When he had at last forced his way through,he saw a wonderfully beautifulmaiden sitting under the tree;andshe sat there and was entirely covered
with her golden hair down to her very feet.
He stood still and looked at her full of surprise,
then he spoke to her and said,
"Who art thou? Why art thou sitting here in the wilderness?"
But she gave no answer, for she could not open her mouth.
The King continued,
"Wilt thou go with me to my castle?"
Then she just nodded her head a little.
TheKing took her in his arms, carried her to his horse,
and rode home with her,
and when he reached the royal castle
he caused her to be dressed in beautiful garments,
and gave her all things in abundance.

There is more to the story but I like it as it is ;-)
As the young girl did not have a name I decided to call her 'Apollonia'
Apollonia is made via wire frame, foil, florist tape, paperclay & acrylics
Love & light
You've achieved such a beautiful work. I truly enjoyed the story too. I didn't know this one.
The dress of your doll is absolutely exquisite!
Greetings lovely lady :0)
Thank you, yes it is a more lesser known Grimms tale, happy you enjoyed.
I can't wait to see everyones creations for - practical magic blog party - see you there x
love & light
Trace x
♥ - she`s a beautiful creation Trace ;o) well done on all the hard work that went into her !!
And for the info background on the story seen as though i didn`t know that much about it ;o)
Beautiful but quite scary. Your works are truly unique and creative.
I find it a little creepy, but they are beautiful. You must have put great effort to finish these dolls.
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