Tuesday, 5 January 2010

ADO Travelling Doll Project 2010

Project begins January 4th 2010, and end in September 2010.

Wow I am excited to be a part of this project this year...

What is the traveling Doll Project?

This project is a collaboration of artists, all working individually on a group doll.
Usually a team of 6 people - but I am a part of a mini round - 3 people as my first TDP.

Each doll will take a journey...starting and ending in the same place with a whole new look and story.
A journal will travel with each doll that will tell the story from the start, middle, and the end of the dolls adventure.

I will post the doll journal entries on blog
- our first shipping date is by the 5th Febuary 2010
...across the pond she shall go ;-)

Link to the blog below is a online journal where all participants (different teams) will share their adventure with you....

My partners are:

Your ETSY store
Do you have a blog?
Do you have a website?
Do you have a flickr?
What is your favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice (Martha I am with you on this choice, one of my favs too lol)
tell us a little about yourself...
I love painting and sculpting.
One will always take me back to the other.
I was working on a series of little girls ACEO paintings, and then I wanted to see them in 3D so I went back to clay (polymer and paperclay) and just fell in love with Art Dolls! :o)


Your ETSY store
Do you have a blog?
tell us a little about yourself...
I have a wonderful life.
I live in central Florida, one of the most beautiful places on earth.
I have two children and three amazing grandchildren.
I am an elementary art teacher so I am in the creative mode daily.
I love to read and to work in the garden.
I dabble in all types of art.
I have been painting for over thirty years and have just recently started making dolls. I work with polymer clay and my imagination.
When I am making my dolls, I forget about time and sometimes look at the clock and it is three o'clock in the morning.
I haven't found a niche for one type of doll yet.
I do love Halloween and Christmas so I know that spooky and glitzy dolls are in my future.
I feel honoured and very excited to have such wonderful, artistic partners, yay! Updates will be made via our blogs and blog at ADO - Art Dolls Only

love & light
Trace x


DellaRae said...

Wow! Tracey, this is so nice. I hope you don't mind if I copy and so something similar on my blog.

jasmoonbutterfly said...

Its fine by me, I am happy you like... thanx for popping over x
love & light
Trace x

Papillon Bleu said...

Hi! I've just seen your new ADO challenge.
I cannot wait to see your doll's traveling journal.
Oh! and by the way:Happy new year!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

Happy New year to you too, I heard the snow has been really heavy in Kent!!
Hee Hee have been working on doll journal tonight, quite excited ....will post with doll soon ...love & light my friend x

Martha from ilove2paint said...

I can't wait to start working on your doll! This is going to be so much fun!!
And about Pride and prejudice, I have seen them ALL LoL Any version out there, I have to watch. The one with Firth, the one with Macfadyen (my fav), the Bollywood style, the LA contemporary, The most recent one in the UK of the girl that goes to the past from her bathroom wall hee he hee I Love them all!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

hee hee hi Martha x
Pride & Pre' is delicious!!
I have not seen or was aware there were so many different versions...thats great! Will have to look up the bathroom wall one!
Have you seen 'swept from the sea'?
I only recently came across that one on youtube and was completely pulled in lol
I am really excited too, everyone is so friendly and ADO has such a nice vibe...are you posting doll & journal on blog prior to shipping?
Love, light & hugs
Trace xoxo