Moon Protection for Amulet Spell
Place a jewel, that you regularly carry on you, in a cup of spring water a day before the full moon.
The following day, on the evening of full moon, stir the water three times with your finger in a clockwise motion.
Take the cup in your hands and in a clockwise, stirring motion, move the cup in a clockwise, circular, stirring motion three times.
Then, repeat these words aloud:
Oh magical Light of the Moon,
Wrap me
Protect Me
Keep me from harm
so mote it be
Raise the cup towards the sky and drink the water.
Remove the jewel from the cup.
You must carry it on your person to the next full moon in order to ensure your protection. Repeat this ritual every month to benefit from its influence.
Magical Amulets
I believe anything can be used as an amulet..you choose for it will symbolise what feels right to you :)
Below are some more commonly known:
Attracts the opposite gender, increases income, divinitory powers, and prosperity
Attracts the opposite gender, increases income, divinitory powers, and prosperity
Good luck, meditation, protection, health, purification
Good luck, meditation, protection, health, purification
Balance, harmony, protection, psychic power
Balance, harmony, protection, psychic power
Power, peace, protection, spirituality, intelligence, luck, psychic power, true love
Power, peace, protection, spirituality, intelligence, luck, psychic power, true love
An Egyptian amulet meaning life or soul. It symbolizes enduring life and grants the wearer one hundred thousand million years of life
An Egyptian amulet meaning life or soul. It symbolizes enduring life and grants the wearer one hundred thousand million years of life
An amulet used by primitive and Western people whose sound was intended to ward off the evil eye and dispel hostile spirits. In the Middle East bells were attached to the harness of horses and camels for the same purposes
An amulet used by primitive and Western people whose sound was intended to ward off the evil eye and dispel hostile spirits. In the Middle East bells were attached to the harness of horses and camels for the same purposes
Cat-shaped jewelry represents prophecy, luck, protections, and the granting of secret wishes
Cat-shaped jewelry represents prophecy, luck, protections, and the granting of secret wishes
A symbol of life. Usually made from gold or silver. It supposedly grants the wearer longevity
A symbol of life. Usually made from gold or silver. It supposedly grants the wearer longevity
Life and divine protection. The christians believed it to be a supreme amulet against all forces of evil. The sign of the cross was thought to cure illness and drive off demons.
Life and divine protection. The christians believed it to be a supreme amulet against all forces of evil. The sign of the cross was thought to cure illness and drive off demons.
Dragon-shaped amulets offer love, happiness, and fertility, as well as balance
Dragon-shaped amulets offer love, happiness, and fertility, as well as balance
Eye of God
Amulet used to conteract the evil eye. Made of sticks and colored yarn by Huichol Indians of Mexico and attributed with power of protecting people, homes, and fields
Amulet used to conteract the evil eye. Made of sticks and colored yarn by Huichol Indians of Mexico and attributed with power of protecting people, homes, and fields
Eye of Horus
Egyptian Eye of God made of gold, copper, silver, clay, faience, or wood and worn to acquire strength, vitality, and protection against the evil eye.
Egyptian Eye of God made of gold, copper, silver, clay, faience, or wood and worn to acquire strength, vitality, and protection against the evil eye.
Four Leaf Clover
Good luck amulet. The four leaves going clockwise from the left side of the stem represents fame, wealth, love, and health
Good luck amulet. The four leaves going clockwise from the left side of the stem represents fame, wealth, love, and health
An amulet worn by many people around the world. It's a symbol of love and devotion. Ancient Egyptians thought the heart was the abode of the soul. In Europe a heard amulet was reputed to prevent heart disease
An amulet worn by many people around the world. It's a symbol of love and devotion. Ancient Egyptians thought the heart was the abode of the soul. In Europe a heard amulet was reputed to prevent heart disease
A figure of six lines forming a six pointed star. It is worn in many parts of the world as a protection against evil. A widely worn symbol of the Jewish faith called mogen David, shield or, popularly, star of David
A figure of six lines forming a six pointed star. It is worn in many parts of the world as a protection against evil. A widely worn symbol of the Jewish faith called mogen David, shield or, popularly, star of David
Horn of Plenty
A contemporary amulet symbolizing prosperity, modeled on the legendary cornucopia overflowing with flowers and fruit
A contemporary amulet symbolizing prosperity, modeled on the legendary cornucopia overflowing with flowers and fruit
A popular contemporary amulet nailed to barn doors for good luck
A popular contemporary amulet nailed to barn doors for good luck
Brings honor and riches to the wearer
Brings honor and riches to the wearer
An amulet usually of knotted string or cord that was believed to hold the love of a sweetheart or ward off illness
An amulet usually of knotted string or cord that was believed to hold the love of a sweetheart or ward off illness
Magic Triangle
Cabbalistic amulet based on the belief that by reducing the size of an inscription, line by line, and evil spirit could be eased out of the sufferer
Cabbalistic amulet based on the belief that by reducing the size of an inscription, line by line, and evil spirit could be eased out of the sufferer
Amulet worn in ancient and modern times to bring success in love and good fortune in travil. To assure good foftune it should be worn as a waxing, not a waning moon. That is, with the points to the left.
Amulet worn in ancient and modern times to bring success in love and good fortune in travil. To assure good foftune it should be worn as a waxing, not a waning moon. That is, with the points to the left.
An amulet worn by the Egyptians. It represents beauty and goodness. It probably is a form of the heart and windpipe, and was thought to bring youth and happiness. Very popular for making necklaces.
An amulet worn by the Egyptians. It represents beauty and goodness. It probably is a form of the heart and windpipe, and was thought to bring youth and happiness. Very popular for making necklaces.
A five pointed star representing the five elements of air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. Also represents the figure of a human being. It is thought to protect the wearer from all kinds of evil spirits. Can also be used by magicians to control spirits. Should be worn with one point up.
A five pointed star representing the five elements of air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. Also represents the figure of a human being. It is thought to protect the wearer from all kinds of evil spirits. Can also be used by magicians to control spirits. Should be worn with one point up.
Thought to give long life and strength
Thought to give long life and strength
Ward off evil or encourage good fortune
Ward off evil or encourage good fortune
Said to bestow prosperity and friendship. Probably of Egyptian origin
Said to bestow prosperity and friendship. Probably of Egyptian origin
A tortoise-shaped charm provides courage, creativity, intelligence, spiritual protection, compassion, fertility, sexuality, and protection.
A tortoise-shaped charm provides courage, creativity, intelligence, spiritual protection, compassion, fertility, sexuality, and protection.
Grants love and appreciation of beauty
Grants love and appreciation of beauty
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