Learn Wicca /
Faerie Tradition
Don't take this lightly. The Fey Folk are wild, and their integrity so strong and unusual that you must be careful with them. However, if you approach one correctly, he\she can be an honorable, powerful and delightful friend and ally. If you find you cannot handle the power of this rite, courteously end the visit. If an evil entity arrives by accident, end the visit, either with courtesy or rudeness, whichever is safest and most effective. Do each numbered step before going onto the next.
1. Focus on the darkness of the mind's eye, the darkness that's automatically there when your eyes are closed.
2. See that darkness filled with a glowing green, a Faerie green, a magic glow.
3. Feel that magic, green, Fey glow start swirling around you, bathing you in its beauty, bathing you in its magic.
4. Enjoy drinking in that magic for a minute.
5. Let that Fey power feed you, cleanse you, and give you things you need. Let it work its magic on you.
6. Into that green mist, call out for a Faerie friend. Don't demand a visit, for we do not control the Fey Folk. Invite with warmth, courtesy, good will and good cheer.
7. Greet and welcome your visitor with dignity and courtesy. Ask his\her name and his\her need of you. If no name is given you, usually you should end the visit. When you meet someone on the physical plane who will not tell you their name, there is usually something awry, right?
8. Never lightly make an agreement with a Faerie. They take commitments seriously. And are tricksters, who often have an unusual view as to what life should be like. You may not want the same goals as they.
9. Visit. Then do the following steps. If you fall asleep, your visit might be happening on an unconscious level so you wouls still need the following steps upon awakening.
10. If you would like, ask your visitor for something you need.
11. Make thanks for the visit, and for any help you were given. At this point it may be appropriate to give or promise a gift, EG a bit of food and drink left out at night.
12. Perhaps this spirit will become your friend for a while or even a lifetime. You can use this ritual to visit with him\her again. But for now say "Farewell."
13. After doing something like this ritual, one might be in an altered state without realizing it. If you then do something like drive, walk at night along a city street, or cook, you could possibly go through a red light, get mugged, or burn yourself, all because you were off in another world! So, after you finish step 12, do the following two steps: A. Spend some time consciously focusing on the embodied, mundane plane by making your mind concentrate on physical things. B. Then continue this focusing by looking both ways carefully when crossing streets or paying special, conscientious attention to kitchen safety or whatever focus is appropriate to the activity in which you become involved. Use these two steps until you are well focused onto the embodied plane. You may feel very sharp and alert, so think there is no need for step 13.
Please do it anyway. For one thing, alert as you are, you might be alert only to the SPIRIT plane!
Take the time to become alert to the physical realm. If you're feeling really spacy or "out there" add body stretches or do some other very physical but safe activity that will focus you onto your own body.
by Francesca De Grandis