Wednesday 28 January 2009

La belle fleur class...

My humble beginnings ...

Prep for wallet and muse paper doll!

I am so excited about this project...I have to now assemble wallet and include acetate window - to keep my muse in .

Theme - new beginnings, whimsical journal, to include my dreams and hopes for the future.

I will be developing this diary/journal monthly with Kitty Kellie at artful paper dolls.

Please check blog for monthly updates...

Kellie is a kindred spirit ....mwah x

Meanwhile love and light to you all ...................

1 comment:

Sueann said...

I am in the class too and I am having a blast. I have been working on the journal itself and it is becoming quite elaborate. LOL!! Guess that is part of the point, huh?
PS Yours looks fabulous!!!