Monday 25 April 2016

Awake in Purple Dreams

Awake in Purple Dreams
Awake in Purple Dreams by jasmoonbutterfly ~ Bea / Sindria

A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.

During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may allegedly be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and the environment.

Lucid Dreaming ~ By Susan Blackmore 

What could it mean to be conscious in your dreams? For most of us, dreaming is something quite separate from normal life. When we wake up from being chased by a ferocious tiger or seduced by a devastatingly good-looking Nobel Prize winner we realize with relief or disappointment that "it was only a dream."

Yet there are some dreams that are not like that. Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know at the time that you are dreaming. That they are different from ordinary dreams is obvious as soon as you have one. The experience is something like waking up in your dreams. It is as though you "come to" and find you are dreaming.

It is tempting to think that the real world and the world of dreams are totally separate. Some of the experiments already mentioned show that there is no absolute dividing line.

The oddest thing about lucid dreams— and, to many people who have them, the most compelling—is how it feels when you wake up. Upon waking up from a normal dream, you usually think, "Oh, that was only a dream." Waking up from a lucid dream is more continuous. It feels more real, it feels as though you were conscious in the dream.

'The you' who remembers the dream is more similar to 'the you' in the dream. Indeed, because there was a better model of you, you were more conscious. If this is right, it means that lucid dreams are potentially even more interesting than we thought. As well as providing insight into the nature of sleep and dreams, they may give clues to the nature of consciousness itself.
Vivid dreams by EliseEnchanted

You're awake when you read, but you enter another world still very conscious that you're leaving reality behind ~ reminding me of lucid dreaming.
In book two, I play with the idea of alternatives in karmic cycles, not in a complicated way, but in a manner that hopefully leaves the reader making up their own mind concerning twin souls. This is one of the reasons that I have given the second book the title 'Awake in Purple Dreams'.
Now my lips are sealed. ;o) 
love and light,

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